2021-04-22 15:22

Pile steel moulds by M-Konstruktor

Pile steel moulds by M-Konstruktor are characterized by their reliability, ease of use and a long service life.
For the production of piles with rectangular cross-section with right angles (90°), double-cavity moulds are used. If this is not necessary, the products are moulded in multi-cavity moulds with rebar put in place in advance.
The image shows moulds for the production of piles with a cross-section of 300*300 mm (cross-sections may vary: 150*150, 200*200, 250*250, 300*300, 350*350, 400*400). The maximum length of a finished product is 12 m. The length is regulated by pile caps, moving which you can get a shorter pile or produce several piles in one mould.
If you want to get a long solid pile, the mould can be extended with another mould. They are connected into one piece by means of a flange connection.
The end sides of the mould are hinged, which makes the demoulding of finished products easier.
At a customer’s request, a steel mould for piles can be equipped with a steam jacket or a heat register, and can be consequently heated up with hot water, hot steam, or thermal oil.
If you require any further information, call us: +7 (81153) 6-10-05, +7 (81153) 6-26-96 or send us an e-mail:
Pile steel moulds 2021