2020-11-30 10:33

Quality FBS blocks = reliable foundation

It has been said that ‘He who wants to build high towers must spend a lot of time on the foundation’.
No structure is going to remain standing if it doesn’t have a solid and reliable foundation. And solid foundation blocks (also known as FBS) are irreplaceable elements for the construction of buildings of various configurations. They are mainly used for the construction of precast foundations, basement walls and basement sections.
Our plant manufactures steel moulds for solid foundation blocks of various standard sizes and dimensions, as well as standard, reinforced or lightweight types.
In the picture you can see 20 double-cavity moulds equipped with length cutters, which facilitate readjustment process. 4 standard sizes: 24.3.6., 24.4.6, 24.5.6, 24.6.6. Reinforced-type moulds, a formwork sheet with a thickness of 10 mm.
These products are going to our customers in Vilnius, Lithuania.
To order steel moulds for FBS blocks, please send a request at
or leave your request on our web-site
Foundation wall block steel moulds 2020